Chiropractic Care for Athletes

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How does Chiropractic Care help athletes?

Adding Chiropractic care to your routine improves performance and can make a huge difference in your training. That’s why athletes are increasingly turning to Chiropractors to help them:

  • Train more effectively
  • Prevent injuries
  • Reduce recovery times


Dr. Lauren Cost talks fitness tips with Body Control Fitness at Revolution Chiropractic in Jacksonville

In a study, athletic performance increased 6.12% after receiving spinal adjustments, and after 12 weeks of Chiropractic Care, eye-hand coordination can increase by 30%. In one study, 100% of runners with joint problems reported reduced symptoms and could maintain or increase their training mileage after receiving Chiropractic Care. Soccer players found relief from chronic groin pain after only 8 weeks of Chiropractic Care. For the 50% of tennis players who get tennis elbow, Chiropractic adjustments help ease discomfort. Chiropractic care reduces painful symptoms of recurrent shoulder instability due to hockey injuries.

[box] Did you know a Chiropractor served as the medical director for Team USA’s multi-disciplinary medical team? Nearly 70 Chiropractors were at the games to adjust athletes! [/box]

Let's look at some examples...

  • All 32 NFL teams use a Chiropractor
  • 90%of all world-class athletes use Chiropractic
  • 77% of athletic trainers have referred players to a Chiropractor

Chiropractic helps with heightened body awareness, improved movement, better balance, and improved flexibility. Because athletes are so active and participate in high impact sports, they tend to be more prone to injury. Adjustments restore function to the body and nervous system. So if you’re dedicated to working out and eating clean, why not add something that will boost all your efforts?

[box] In a study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, individuals who received Chiropractic care noted a near 10% improvement in movement and response time compared to those not under Chiropractic care. [/box]

Chiropractic care restores balance to your entire body through correcting nervous system disturbances and allowing signals to flow freely between the brain and body. When joints and spinal bones are in proper alignment, you’re able to maneuver with ease. For athletes, flexibility is critical!

Let’s break down the numerous benefits of Chiropractic Care for athletes:

  1. Reduce: Muscle spasms, recovery time, stiffness, and pain
  2. Enhance: The immune system, oxygenation, nutrient flow, and digestive function
  3. Improve: Relaxation, tissue regeneration, and athletic performance

If you’ve been wanting to enhance your performance, or are simply in pain when you're working out, click HERE to book an appointment!

If you're not local to Jacksonville, feel free to email us and we can make a suggestion for a chiropractor in your area:



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