Herniated Disc Relief


At Revolution Chiropractic in Jacksonville, we understand just how painful and difficult it can be to suffer from herniated disc. While this condition can be very painful, it is commonly treatable without surgery and Chiropractic care is one of the most popular alternative treatments used to treat it.

What is a herniated disc?

A herniated disc or bulging disc is a condition wherein a disc protrudes outside of the normal radius of the spine. A spinal disc is a somewhat like a jelly donut, with a softer center covered within a tougher exterior. Sometimes called a slipped disc or a ruptured disc, a herniated disc occurs when some of the softer "jelly" pushes out through a tear in the tougher exterior.A person suffering from this condition may not even know there is anything wrong until the bulging disc presses on a nerve in the spinal column and start causing excruciating pain. Depending on the location on the spine, a herniated disc can cause pain and loss of range of motion.

What are the symptoms of disc problems?

Most herniated discs occur in your lower back (lumbar spine), although they can also occur in your neck (cervical spine). A herniated disc can irritate nearby nerves and can result in:

  • Back or neck pain

  • Leg or arm pain

  • Weakness

  • Numbness or tingling in the extremities

  • Tenderness of the spine and/or surrounding muscles

You also can have a herniated disc without knowing it — herniated discs sometimes show up on spinal images of people who have no symptoms of a disc problem.

What causes herniated discs?


A disc herniates or ruptures when part of the center nucleus pushes through the outer edge of the disc and back toward the spinal canal. This puts pressure on the nerves. Spinal nerves are very sensitive to even slight amounts of pressure, which can result in pain, numbness, or weakness in one or both legs. Most people can’t pinpoint the exact cause of their herniated disc.

Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Disc Degeneration: herniation is most often the result of a gradual, aging-related wear and tear called disc degeneration. As you age, your spinal discs become less flexible due to loss of water content and elasticity. This makes discs and more prone to tearing or rupturing with even a minor strain or twist.

  • Improper lifting techniques: Twisting and turning while lifting or using your back muscles instead of your leg muscles to lift heavy objects can cause discs to herniate.

  • Trauma: A traumatic event like as a fall or a blow to the back can cause a herniated disc.

  • Poor Posture: There may be too much stress on the disc due to poor posture or from being overweight

  • Repetitive Stresses: Strenuous or awkward repetitive twisting, lifting, and bending. This is often associated with workplace/job duties.

What are the treatments for herniated discs?

As always, we first and foremost recommend trying to be preventative to avoid herniated discs. The best way to do that is with regular exercise, good posture, and maintaining a healthy weight. It will also help you to be very conscious of caring for your spine. Lifting objects with proper posture, bending your knees, and lifting with your legs will help you immensely!

But if you do find yourself with a herniated disc, there are some non-invasive options available to you like:

  1. Ice and heat therapy for pain relief

  2. Physical therapy, exercise and gentle stretching to help relieve pressure on the nerve root

  3. Chiropractic spinal manipulation can be a safe and effective tool in the management of disc problems

We have seen lots of practice members at our office for this very condition. We have also found that Chiropractic adjustments are especially effective when combined with therapeutic exercise.

Benefits of Chiropractic for herniated discs

  • Drug-Free Pain Relief- Pain relief drug medications can be extremely addictive. Chiropractic care offers relief from pain without the need for any addictive drugs or medications and heals the body from within and not just masking the pain.

  • Reduces Inflammation- Chiropractic adjustments relieve pressure on the nervous system and helps the body release anti-inflammatory substance, which reduces inflammation and alleviates pain.

  • Chiropractors evaluate the entire spine- Even if you only have lower back pain, your chiropractor will examine your neck, too, for example. He or she wants to see how well your spine is functioning overall, and remember: What happens in one area of your spine can influence other parts of your spine and/or body.

All of this is important because getting you back on your feet and moving as quickly as is safely possible is critical.

The specifics of what is in your treatment plan are particular to your pain, level of activity, overall health, and what your chiropractor thinks is best.  While Chiropractic treatment is safe and effective for most patients, there are some cases where Chiropractic may not be appropriate. Dr. Lauren will discuss this with you when you come into our Jacksonville office.

We would love the chance to help you too! Call us or book your evaluation here!

Check out this testimonial from our practice member who found herniated disc relief while under our care!


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